The Colombian Dentist Experience
Moby | 6/3/2008My teeth have now experienced Thai, Chinese and now Colombian dentists. But this one really takes the cake.
Im in Bogota, Colombia. My chinese filling fell out a few weeks ago. So it was time to replace it now that Im in a cheap country!
I asked the owner of the Hostel for a recommenddation for a dentist.
This is that story…
I rang the dentist and he could fit me in immediately. So I walked over to the address.
It was located in an apartment building, 18th floor. No sign on the door. hmm interesting.
I buzzed the doorbell and was let into the waiting room. Complete with a 1960s TV set.
After a short wait the dentist comes out and ushers me into the room. Everything is 1960 style. the chair, the cabinets, tools. At least theres an autoclave, or maybe its just a benchtop oven which he uses to sterilize the intruments…
It turns out my dentist speaks english, as he came from Hungary after the revolution (1954)!
Some quick calculations, that makes him pretty old! While hes drilling my tooth it starts to get a little (lot) painful. So I make some “argh´s”
He laughs and says “I like it yes?”
His hands wobble a whole lot, he stops to watch the political statements on tv, since the Equador problem is still in full swing…but Im in for the long haul. I even get to hold the other tool while he drills, fills or watches tv…
2 weeks on, the filling is still in. But I should really have gone to one of the normal dentists in actual offices, 60 Years younger, newer, proper and I think half the price.
I wish I had taken some photos of the dentist chair, and the dentist. sigh. I dont think I will ever forget his face though