Circle of Influence
Moby | 11/10/2004Are you a lefty?
Do you want a society where everyone gets the same, blah blah blah utopia.
Free everything… dont have to work if you dont want, “can’t” and still get enough to live +vice/s (alcohol, gambling, drugs, smokes, wants)
Question: how can you implement this personally on a large scale? What is your circle of influence?
Answer? hmm maybe I can give a coin here a buck there, and vote Leftism.
Question: Is being financially sucessful evil or bad?
eg driving a Porsche, having a big house overlooking the water, whatever.
My Answer: No.
because as you are right now. how big is your circle of influence.
Say you sponsor a kid in africa, buy a badge for some charity day, and volunteer a day of your time to a cause.
Lets say that all your pro humanity donations/effort = $600/yr.
Example of increasing your circle of influence:
A woman who is a counsellor, liked to donate 2 hours a week to pro bono cases.
2hrs * 48 weeks * $50/hr value = $4800 benefit for humanity.
She decided instead of leasing a consulting room in a clinic, established her own clinic.
as a condition of the sub leases to other counsellors she required that they all do a minimum of 2 hours a week pro bono work.
the result:
8 counsellors * 2hrs * 48 weeks * $50 = $38400 = 800% increase in clircle of influence.
Now there is no way that she could personally create a $38400 circle of influence for her causes.
Then add the indirect value added:
profits from the clinic can pay for her improved lifestyle. Porsche, whatever. It can also be used to increase her circle of influence even more. as she can direct the profits use.
But that doesn’t happen in real life:
Is Bill Gates bad? One of the richest men in the world.
Come back to me when you have donated $23 Billion USD to causes you believe in.
What is bill gates circle of influence:
Aids, Earthquakes, Famine, TB, Underpriviledged……….
Rant 3:
that dollar you give to the dude on the street with his little box out in front of him, while he’s curled up asleep.
Is this helping form a positive feedback loop?
i.e will this positively reinforce change?
No: dude gets to sleep, gets money = 0 effort : a little return
No: looses selfesteem because he is relying on peoples pity.
No: doesn’t gain many/any new relationships or education by interacting with others.
Now take the example of the magazine: The Big Issue
You may have seen homeless people selling these.
The model: it costs $3 for you to buy it (retail).
it costs them $1.50 (wholesale = 100% profit margin)
Does this have a positive feedback loop?
Yes: creates higher level interaction/relationships with a wide circle of people within their community.
Yes: rewards them for their efforts. more effort = more reward
Yes: Promotes an understanding of basic business principles.
Yes: Increases confidence and self esteem
all in all, it gives the opportunity to the vendor to change their life.
I buy these, they are actually a very good read.
other note: Ill give to anyone putting in effort. Singing, dancing whatever. As long as theres effort involved.
Bloody leftys.